Insanely Fast
We limit the number of webpages that we host on each of our quad-core Intel® Xeon® processors to ensure snappy response times. Since our servers are centrally located in a data center in Chicago, our websites load quickly on both coasts. Giddyup.
Top-Notch Support
Customers come first at eBoundhost. If you call, a qualified technician is ready to solve your problem on the spot. Some things should never change.
100% Uptime Guarantee
Our server hardware has been custom designed from the ground up for maximum reliability. Everything is built to make sure it stays up. We’re making downtime a thing of the past.
Easy Migration
Already have a website? No problem. Our 24/7 Chicago-based migration team will help you move over to our servers with minimal downtime. If you prefer to do it yourself, migrating from another host is simple: just back up your website and database and upload the backups to our server. Once you complete the process of forwarding or transferring your domains, your website will be live right away, usually in 30 minutes or less.
Nightly Security Updates
Our team of in-house technical staff performs nightly security updates to the core software packages that drive your website. Every night, your website becomes more stable and less likely to be targeted by hackers, so there’s no reason to be afraid of the dark.
Cup-of-Coffee Pricing
Premier Web hosting at a fraction of the price. Get online for the price of a cup of coffee (and we don’t mean a venti-soy-mocha-caramel brulee with frappuccino chips, either).
Here’s just a sample of our ready-to-go software packages that can be installed with just one click:












...and more than 50 others.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz or faster
64 GB DDR3 1600MHz ECC error correcting
SSD Accelerated MySQL databases
Capacitor-backed RAID controller for performance and safety
cPanel Stable branch, updated nightly
CloudLinux advanced user protection
CentOS 6 64-bit
PHP 5.3/5.4 with optimizer decoders
Python 2.6
MySQL 5.5
Ruby on Rails
CSF firewall with brute force detection
Automatic hacked account detection
Integrated firewall
Denial of service (DDoS) protection
Automated malware detection
Expert hack remediation